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Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
by Graeme Dutton
Image for Station 1 - Jesus weeps over Jerusalem Black and white graffiti image created using spray paint on canvas depicting Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. See Station 1 text - Click Here Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image i
Jesus changes Lives
Jesus changes Lives
by Audrey Hogan
"Jesus changes lives", was written as a talk / homily and was given at a small church service. However I thought that others might enjoy reading it in transcript form. The subject is the healing of blind Bartimaus and Zachius' calling and conversion. Written by Audrey Hogan Extra
Poem - The day we climbed the mountain
Poem - The day we climbed the mountain
by Colin Smith
The Day we climbed the mountain. This poem was written as a bit of fun to support an All Age worship service. Although the mountain which is referred to is Kinder Scout, in the Peak District of Derbyshire, the name of any local mountain can be used instead. The theme was “Finding
Brompton Bible stories: Holy Week and Easter